Castle Valley

Click on any of the categories below for identification and Firewise information.

This is a work in progress and the editor is no expert. Please send your ideas, pictures, plant informaton or corrections to:

This is a seal of approval by Bert, The Self-Appointed Fire Marshall of Castle Valley to help in your selection of Firewise Plants.


Minimize use of evergreen shrubs and trees within 30 feet of a structure, because junipers, other conifers and broadleaf evergreens contain oils, resins and waxes that make these plants burn with great intensity.

The area closest to a structure out to 30 ft will be the highest water use area in the fire safe landscape. This is an area where highly flammable fuels are kept to a minimum and plants are kept green throughout the fire season. Use well-irrigated perennials here. Another choice is low growing or non-woody deciduous plants.


Good Firewise landscaping reduces house and property vulnerability to wildfire.
The goal is to develop a landscape whose design and choice of plants offers the best
fire protection and enhances the property.
The ideal is to surround the house with things that are less likely to burn.
It is imperative that when building homes in wildfire-prone areas that fire safety be a
major factor in landscape design. Appropriate manipulation of the landscape can make
a significant contribution towards wildfire survival.

Lawn is soothing visually, and is also practical as a wildfire safety feature. Rock mulches are good choices.
Boulders and rocks become fire retardant elements in a design. Prevailing winds, seasonal weather, local fire history, and characteristics of native vegetation surrounding the site are additional important considerations.