Large, highly variably colored dove; wild form has gray body, dark blue-gray head, neck, breast, and white rump. Wings are gray with two black bars. Tail is gray and rounded with dark terminal band. Forages on ground, eats grass, seeds, grains, clover and berries.
Swift direct flight.

Columba livia
Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae)

Range and Habitat

Rock Pigeon: Native to Eurasia; introduced and established in most of North America from central Canada southward. Found in agricultural lands, open shrub, and urban areas.

SOUNDS: "cooing coo-a-roo", "coo-roo-cooo"

The Rock Pigeon has been associated with humans for
over 5,000 years and it is nearly impossible to
establish a historical range.

They have been bred domestically for color morphs, for food (called squab), and even for their homing abilities.
Also called the Domestic Pigeon, Homing Pigeon, Rock Dove and even winged rat, the Rock Pigeon has both its
supporters and detractors.

A group of pigeons has many collective nouns, including a "band", "dropping", "loft", "passel" and "school" of pigeons.