Grasses, Groundcovers & Vines

Morning Glory, Bindweed
Convolvulus arvenis


BINDWEED (Morning Glory)
Convolvulus arvenis

The trailing vine is one of those weeds that just won’t quit.
This tenacious plant twines around plants and fences, running where it wants and happily blooming all along the way. It is practically impossible
to dig out all the tiny root segments and the fragments left in the ground; they quickly reproduce new plants, which send out runners
and root in for more runners.

Its seed has a long dormancy and may last in soil for up to 60 years.
It has a climbing habit that allows the plant to grow through mulches.
It is also very drought tolerant. Since bindweed seeds and roots can hitchhike with contaminated seed and plants, it is important to buy
clean seed and nursery stock. If you bring soil into your garden,
it should be free of bindweed seed and roots. Borrowed equipment
should be cleaned thoroughly before use in your fields or garden.
The best way to prevent problems with this plant is to not let it get started. Buy clean seed and soil and check nursery plants for possible hitchhikers.
At least it is pretty.