Plants, Flowers & Cactus

Prairie Sunflower
Helianthus petiolaris

Prairie Sunflower
Helianthus petiolaris

A showy, 3-5 ft. annual sunflower with many-branched, erect stems.
Foliage is dark green. Flower heads grow terminally on 3-4 in. peduncles. Ray flowers are yellow; disk flowers are red-purple. These flower heads follow the direction of the sun, going from east to west during the day.
Look for plains sunflower from June through September in open sandy prairie and along roadsides. More plants will be found where grazing is light or moderate.
Many of the 60 or so species of sunflower are used for foods, medicines,
and industrial products, but plains sunflower has no known
economic value other than forage.
The seeds of this sunflower attract birds.